Bridgette Bargot

cukup bangetlah post blog gue selalu jadi sumbu dan kompor -> rd: bikin masalah

ok, gua ga ngerti knp gua ahirnya bisa berantem sm sahabat gua sendiri. dan yg lebih jijiin lg, soalnya gua brantem gara gara hal yg paling murahan sedunia, COWO.

oh please, gua gapernah mau brantem sm temen gara gara this gross thing. tp, I don’t know why, dia kira gua followers gitu ya, ikut ikutan suka org yg sama. ya ahirnya, skip skip skip. gua mengibarkan kain putih yg brtuliskan ‘AING NYERAH BEUL’ abis itu dia masih jahat aaaah. “Iya gitu dis? Masih jahat ya?” “Enyaaaaa sia” “Ahmaca? Nteuuuu sia”

knowledge cannot replace friendship. apalagi boys. I’d rather an idiot than lose you :)

I will do sacrifice, for my besty ♡ if I don’t it means I’m an evil, and I’m not.

I hope you read this, kat :)
I don’t like him anymore.
Maybe, he’s belong to you not me.
Hope we can spent time together just like we used to do.

ILY my besty ♡